Essential for commerce and community, asphalt pavements connect not just our transportation network but us to the people that matter most. For this reason, asphalt engineers are constantly innovating to ensure we deliver on road safety, smoothness, and performance at a cost that meets the demands for today, tomorrow, and the future.

Conservation preserves resources for our future. Asphalt pavement is the most recycled material by weight – 89.2M tons are reused annually. Asphalt delivers sustainability for our future.

Did You Know: Smoother roads can reduce annual GHG emission equivalents by 75,000 cars in California alone? Asphalt delivers environmental sustainability for our future.

Since 2001, the APA’s Perpetual Pavement Award program has recognized 170 long-life pavements in 32 U.S. states and one Canadian province. The winning pavements range in age from 35 years to 91 years, and the pavements average 49.42 years old at the time of recognition.

Did you know? Existing asphalt pavements contain the raw materials for new roads. Rarely replaced, asphalt pavements are simply repaired or recycled. The salvage value of reclaimed asphalt pavement is 418% more than concrete even after years of service. Asphalt delivers dependability for our future.

A climate adaptable material, innovative polymer-modified asphalt enhances pavement structure ensuring resistance to cracking and rutting. Asphalt delivers resilience for our future.
DYK the responsible increase of reclaimed asphalt pavement nationwide by 1% avoids emissions equivalent to removing 30,000 passenger vehicles from the roadways. Asphalt delivers results for a sustainable future.

Nationwide, increasing the amount of RAP in new asphalt mixtures by 1 percentage point would avoid annual emissions equivalent to approximately 30,000 passenger vehicles.

Asphalt pavements are designed for local conditions, accommodating traffic in a safe, durable, and cost-effective manner while connecting communities.

A detailed life cycle assessment showed that most reflective pavements result in higher greenhouse gas emissions over a 50-year life cycle than conventional asphalt pavements. Asphalt delivers for our future.

Asphalt roads age with grace. Designing a long-life Perpetual Pavement can serve your community for more than 50 years. Asphalt delivers solutions for our future.
Can your road do that? Asphalt binder is part of a system where materials never become waste and the product is regenerated put back into use. This circular economy means the binder and aggregates are perpetually reused, conserving the material and sequestering carbon. Asphalt delivers time and time again for our future.
Did you know? Asphalt pavements are called flexible pavements because the structure flexes. Asphalt’s climate adaptable structure paired with engineering design, eliminate buckling, making it a resilient pavement. Asphalt delivers for our future.