Efficient Asphalt Replacement at Home Depot Facility
In response to the need for rapid pavement replacement at a Home Depot facility, Gallagher Asphalt Corporation executed and expedited an asphalt project. The task involved the removal of existing 5” Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and 7” of aggregate, replaced by a robust 12” asphalt section composed of N90 binder (10”) and N80 surface (2”). The project's distinct challenge was to complete the entire process within a strict 37-hour timeline, emphasizing the priority of opening the dock doors for incoming shipments by noon on Sunday.

Award Winning Intermodal Facility Repaved in Record Time
The versatility of asphalt pavement allows its use in many types of heavy-duty applications. One example is railroad facilities. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Company’s intermodal facility located in Portland, Oregon, transfers rail cargo. Recently they partnered with paving contractor Granite Construction Inc. to replace 6 Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement sections including drive lanes, trailer parking, and the entrance gate.

Asphalt Delivers: Speed of Construction & Reliability for Heavy-Duty Applications
Heavy-duty asphalt mixes provide pavement structure for severe loading and high stress conditions used in heavy-duty pavement applications. These pavements are subjected to high repetitions of heavy loads and comprise industrial facilities, haul roads, major arterial roads, and most roads in the interstate highway system.