Cost-Effective Solutions for Every Budget
Due to our reliance on limited gas tax revenues, funding is the top issue facing transportation agencies today. With vehicle fuel-efficiency standards and the rise of the electric vehicle, agencies are making decisions to stretch the dollar in order to maintain their transportation network. Cutting costs and addressing aging infrastructure needs demands new ways of doing business. Learn about the proven ways Asphalt Delivers for your budget.

Paving with reusable asphalt saves $3.3B annually. To minimize project costs, use 100% recyclable asphalt binder and aggregates. Asphalt delivers for your budget.

Pro Tip: Virginia found that incentivizing the construction of smoother pavements added 7 years of functional life and saved 15% annually on maintenance and rehabilitation costs. Asphalt delivers for your budget.

Requiring less maintenance than conventional pavement, Perpetual Pavement design reduces life-cycle costs 17–28%, conserving already limited agency funding. Asphalt delivers for your budget.

Ready for traffic when the compactor rolls off the pavement, asphalt construction costs 2.6 times less than concrete over a 40-year analysis period. Asphalt delivers for your budget.

Flexible pavements use durable polymer-modified asphalt to significantly lower the life cycle cost by as much as $2.34 per ton. Asphalt delivers value for your budget.
Perpetual Pavement design reduces life-cycle costs 17–28%, requires less maintenance than conventional pavement and conserves limited funding for maximum value. More information on how asphalt delivers for your budget.

Asphalt goes the distance and delivers value for your budget. Implementing environmentally preferable technologies reduces cradle-to-gate GHG emissions as much as 24%, enhances performance, and lowers costs

The asphalt industry brings high-quality, locally manufactured product to the marketplace with more than 3,500 asphalt mix plants across the U.S.

ICYMI Asphalt pavement stores thermal energy without significantly changing air temperature, reducing cooling loads at adjacent buildings by 11%. Asphalt delivers for your budget.

Asphalt pavements typically undergo maintenance during off-peak driving hours and can be driven on immediately after compaction, minimizing construction costs and delay. Asphalt delivers solutions for our budget.
Can your road do that? Asphalt binder can be perpetually reused. Annually the industry reuses over 26 million barrels of material by recycling the materials, eliminating the potential for the product to be refined and saving over $3 billion in material costs. Asphalt delivers time and time again for our budget.
Did you know? Increasing a pavement’s solar reflectivity from 0.1 to 0.5 increases annual building cooling loads up to 11%, decreasing energy costs. Asphalt delivers for our budget.