Resilient Asphalt Roads: Asphalt Keeps Commerce Flowing in the Wake of Disaster
When unanticipated disasters strike, threatening major economic disruption, asphalt is the perfect choice to rebuild pavements safely and quickly. The original estimated time to reopen the lanes was up to two months. However, due to asphalt’s ease of installation, constructability, strength, and recyclability, the northbound I-95 traffic reopened to the public just 12 days after its collapse.

Operational Tips: Using EPDs to Inform Decisions and Modernize Operations
Green Asphalt LLC in Long Island City, New York used NAPA's verified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) tool, to quantify the environmental impact of their asphalt mixtures. The tool helps Green Asphalt make data-driven decisions, modernize operations, and provide better information to tell their story.

Operational Tips: Using Liquified Natural Gas to Lower Fuel Costs
E.T. Simonds Materials Co. and Kinetrex Energy partnered to reduce delivered fuel prices, obtain cleaner fuel, and reduce operational and maintenance costs with Liquified Natural Gas (LNG).

Operational Tips: Insulting to Prevent Loss of Thermal Energy, Reduce Fuel Use, and Reduce Costs
Granite Construction Co. shares its data on the benefits of pipe insulation to minimize thermal energy loss — within one year the project paid for itself by reducing energy consumption by 55 percent.

Operational Tips: Electric Heated Tank Farm Lowers Energy Usage
Reaching net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 can seem daunting. Luckily, existing technologies and new innovations can be leveraged to assist the industry in exploring ways to answer the call while keeping an eye on the margin. Orlando Paving Company, which is owned by VINCI Construction, is meeting the challenge with the electrification of its Landstreet asphalt plant tank farm, replacing the traditional hot oil system to deliver on both corporate sustainability goals and public commitments to reduce energy consumption.

Planning for Resilient Roads: Approaches to Account for Climate Change Impacts on Flexible Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Practices
There are three common approaches to incorporate climate change impacts into the decision-making process to help design, build, and maintain resilient pavements.